Wireless Access for Guests and Visitors

Overview of Guest Wireless Access:

Access to the wireless at SMCC requires you to register with your email and phone number, or to use an account provided to you by an SMCC employee. We require registration so that we have accountability in situations where policies or laws are broken or other incidents occur. Guest users must adhere to the MCCS Information Technology Use policy.

Guest access is valid for 24 hours. If you need continued access, please register again or talk to your SMCC point of contact.

To connect your device follow these steps:

1. Connect to the SMCC: Start Here wireless network.

2. Open Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or another web browser and navigate to https://connect.smccme.edu. Your browser may auto-navigate to this site. 

Landing page when browsing to connect.smccme.edu

3. If you have already been given a login (by the McKernan Center staff, for example), click the link in the Guests. Visitors & Conference Attendees section that says "Click here to log in" and proceed to Step 5.

Otherwise, click "Show guest registration form" to expand the form, then complete it to receive a login for the network. Your login will automatically and immediately be sent to the email and phone number that you entered.

The text message will look similar to this:

Sample guest login SMS

4. Your browser should redirect to a page informing you that your login was sent. Click the provided link to log in.

Page showing that the login information was sent.

5. Enter your guest login credentials and accept the terms of use. Your browser will then inform you that you have been logged in and redirect you to the SMCC homepage after a few seconds.

If you experience problems logging into the network, please contact the IT HelpDesk at 207-741-5696.


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