Computer and Network Use Policy


As with any college system, the Maine Community College System (MCCS) seeks to enhance
opportunities for individual and collaborative learning and research. As a public institution with
limited resources and distinct policy and legal obligations, the MCCS also needs to ensure that such
uses are consistent with those resources and obligations. The goal of this policy is to balance these
interests and promote responsible and secure use for all.

A. Application

1. Each college and other entity of the MCCS;

2. All computing resources owned or operated by the MCCS including, but not limited to,
all hardware, software, peripherals, networks, network components, accounts, physical
and logical data, email and all other data or information transmitted by such equipment

3. All employees, students and other persons who use such computers (“users”); and

4. In addition to any other computer use policy adopted by entities within the MCCS, and by
entities outside the MCCS that operate resources accessed through or from the MCCS.

B. General Rules

1. Educational Priority: The priority use of MCCS computers is to provide direct
support for learning, teaching and administration of MCCS programs. Such priority will
govern access to MCCS computers.

2. Use is a Privilege, Not a Right: Use of MCCS computers and accounts thereon is a
privilege, not a right. This privilege is limited by the provisions of this policy, any other
pertinent policy or law, and may be withdrawn for violation thereof.

3. Limited Right of Privacy: Users may not have an expectation of privacy in their use
of MCCS computers or networks. For example, the MCCS reserves the following rights:

a. Periodic Network Monitoring: The MCCS reserves the right to monitor
periodically, randomly and without notice use rates, patterns, speed and system
capacity to ensure the efficiency or integrity of the MCCS network and its
computers. Such monitoring may proceed only by a person expressly authorized by
the MCCS or college president;

b. Inspection of a Particular Account or Computer: The MCCS reserves the right
to inspect those accounts, computers or files that the MCCS has reason to believe
are misused, corrupt or damaged. Such inspection may proceed only by a person
expressly authorized by the MCCS or college president and as advised by the MCCS
general counsel; and

c. Access by Outside Agencies: User accounts, computers or files may also be
subject to access in response to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal or regulatory
requirements. Users will be notified as promptly as possible, unless notification is
precluded by such subpoena or order.

4. Limited Designated Forum: The MCCS computer network constitutes a limited
designated forum. This forum is designated for the limited purpose of helping students
pursue, faculty to provide, and non-teaching staff to support the colleges’ education,
training and related programs.

5. Time, Manner and Place Limitations: The MCCS reserves the right to limit certain uses on
or through the MCCS computers at those times and locations that the MCCS determines are
necessary to regulate system capacity and speed. These limitations apply, but are not limited to,
the downloading of video, music, photographic and other large data files.

6. Website and Webpage Development and Management: Any website, webpage or other
portion of a website hosted by a server owned, operated or maintained by a college or the
MCCS is the property and speech of the MCCS, and the MCCS reserves all rights to control
the access to, content of, and all other aspects regarding such webpages or websites. The
Presidents Council may adopt a procedure for controlling the development and management
of such webpages and websites, including standards controlling links to webpages and/or
websites that are not owned, operated or maintained by a college or the MCCS.

C. Specific Prohibitions

Conduct that violates this policy includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Displaying, downloading, printing or distributing obscene, sexually explicit or sexually offensive
images or text in a manner that constitutes sexual harassment or other violation of law;

2. Violating copyright laws, including the unlawful reproduction or dissemination of copyrighted
text, images, music, video and other protected materials;

3. Using System computers for commercial activity, such as selling products or services;

4. Unauthorized access to or use of a computer, computer account or network;

5. Connecting unauthorized equipment to a college or MCCS network;

6. Unauthorized attempts to circumvent data protection or security including, but not limited to,
creating or running programs that identify security loopholes or decrypt secure data;

7. Deliberately or negligently performing an act that will interfere with the regular operation of a

8. Deliberately or negligently running or installing a program that, by intent or effect, damages
a computer, system or network. This includes, but is not limited to, programs known as
computer “viruses,” “trojan horses” and “worms;”

9. Deliberately or negligently wasting computing resources;

10. Deliberately or negligently overloading computing resources, such as running excessive
programs that use relatively substantial bandwidth and other resources. This includes, but is not
limited to, peer-to-peer applications;

11. Violating terms of applicable software licensing agreements;

12. Using electronic mail to harass or threaten another person or organization;

13. Initiating or perpetuating electronic chain letters or unauthorized mass mailings. This includes,
but is not limited to: multiple mailings to news groups, mailing lists or individuals; “spamming;”
“flooding;” and “bombing;”

14. Misrepresenting or misappropriating the identity of a person or computer in an electronic

15. Transmitting or reproducing materials that are libelous or defamatory;

16. Unauthorized monitoring of another user’s electronic communications; or reading, copying,
changing or deleting another user’s files or software without authority;

17. Communications that use public resources to promote partisan political activities;

18. Communications that are not otherwise protected by law because they constitute, for example,
defamation, incitement to unlawful conduct, an imminent threat of actual violence or harm,
fighting words, terrorist threats, gross disobedience of legitimate rules, criminal or severe civil
harassment or false advertising; and

19. Otherwise violating existing laws or System policies.

D. Enforcement

Violation of this policy may result in the loss of computing and/or network access; other
disciplinary action; and/or appropriate civil or criminal legal action.

E. Security

Upon recommendations of the college and System directors of information technology, the
Presidents Council shall adopt a procedure that provides adequate uniform security for all System
and college computers and networks.

Copyrighted Material/Illegal Downloading

Please be advised that the Recording Industry Association of America, which owns the copyright to
a wide variety of musical works, has informed the Maine Community College System that it intends
to enforce its copyrights against college students who infringe on those rights by engaging in illegal
file sharing.

Prior to being allowed access to the College network, you were informed of the College’s network
policy, including information about the law regarding infringement of copyright. This notice was
designed to make you aware of the law and potential consequences for violation of College policy.

This message reminds you that the downloading or distribution of copyright material that you do
not own or do not have the copyright owner’s permission to use is a potential violation of both
criminal and civil federal law. Copyright material can include movies, television shows, music, games
or software.

Copyright holders, such as the Recording Industry Association of America, the Motion Picture
Association of America and the Business Software Alliance, are attempting to vigorously
enforce their property rights. It is important for you to know that if a copyright holder initiates
a case and serves the College with a legitimate legal subpoena requesting the identity of an
individual using an Internet Protocol address alleged to be involved in an infringement, the
College will honor that request.

Finally, the College does not sponsor at this time a legal media program. Internet services – as
distinct from file share programs – such as iTunes or Napster are available directly and provide legal
material. (For example, see: Do not be confused
by claims that any particular file or Internet share program is “legal,” such as DC++ or MyTunes.
Whether the programs themselves are legal would, under a recent Supreme Court decision, be a
matter for a court to decide. What is important for you to know is that the material being shared on
such systems very well might not be “legal” and, therefore, you might be in violation of the law for
sharing the copyright protected material exchanged by that system.



In an effort to control the escalating cost of supplies and to encourage students to conserve
resources, SMCC charges for printing. Students receive a $20 credit every semester. This credit
resets for each semester and extra credit is not rolled over to the next semester. Page per costs are as

• 8.5” x 11” black & white: $0.10 per page
• 8.5” x 11” color: $0.50 per page
• 8.5” x 14” and 11” x 17” black & white: $0.20 per page
• 8.5” x 14” and 11” x 17” color: $1.00 per page
Duplex (two-sided pages are discounted 50% from the listed page costs)

Students can monitor their remaining credit and number of pages printed by visiting the IT Help
tab on MySMCC or by checking the Printing Information icon in the lower right-hand corner of the
screen while logged in to an SMCC computer. More information about the Pay-for-Print Policy is
available on the IT Help tab on MySMCC.

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