To register a device that cannot connect to the eduroam network, use the SMCC-Gaming network. Access to the network is controlled by MAC address (device network hardware) authentication.
- Obtain your device's MAC address. This procedure is specific to each device - please review the articles here, or review your device's manual to get the MAC address.
- Go to and click the blue button that says "Click Here for Device Registration".

- Complete the form to register a device
- MAC address: Enter your device's MAC. Separators are not required.
- Examples: 1a:2b:3c:f6:e5:d4 or 001ab255c3.
- Device name: Display name for the device. Can be anything, it's for your reference.
- Notes: Optionally, enter notes for this device.
- Terms of Use: You must read and accept the terms of use.

- Once you complete the form and click Create, you will be able to join your registered device to the SMCC-Gaming network.
Registrations are good for one year at which time you may log in to Device Registration and reactivate the device, or just register it again which will reset the expiration timer.
If you have already attempted to join SMCC-Gaming with your device before registering it, you may need to disconnect from the network and wait 15-20 minutes before trying to connect again. You may also call the IT HelpDesk at 207-741-5696 or submit a ticket to expedite this process.
Device-to-device communication is not permitted on the SMCC-Gaming network. This restriction is to prevent users from attacking other devices on the network (example: unwanted printing on wireless printers). In some cases, this also prevents a subset of devices from working properly.
Devices known not to work on SMCC-Gaming:
- Google Home & Google Home Mini
No exceptions will be made to this security policy. Incompatible devices will not work on SMCC-Gaming.